Building Strong Associations
We are Building Strong Associations by being a champion of our condominium and homeowners association clients through education and representation. Consult Engineering is Southwest Florida’s only structural engineering firm solely dedicated to owner representation.

Steel-reinforced concrete is one of the most prevalent construction materials in the world today. It comes as a surprise to some to learn that concrete is a very porous and permeable material. Once a concrete structure reaches a certain age, it requires extensive restoration, followed by regular maintenance.

Exterior paint is the skin of your building and the largest component of your waterproofing system. In Southwest Florida, the average lifespan of a paint job is seven years. With hundreds of thousands of dollars and the integrity of your building at stake, it pays to consult an engineer to design and oversee the project.

Protect your investment
The best way to ensure your interests are protected is to engage the services of an expert. This frees you from the responsibility of making decisions outside of your own area of expertise. Consult Engineering has the knowledge and experience to orchestrate your project from conception to completion.
Florida IS the Sunshine State, but...
The same climate that brought you to Florida also brings considerable wear and tear to your building envelope. The constant exposure to our tropical sun, significant periods of rain, frequent high winds and the salt content in the air combine to form a perfect storm of conditions unfavorable to your property. The damage caused by these elements is not always obvious. It takes a trained eye to know how and where to look for underlying issues. In an environment that is constantly changing, it pays to stay on top of building maintenance. It will never cost less to identify and correct a problem than it does right now.

...the sun, wind, rain and salt air, are the perfect storm of threats to the integrity of your building.